As such, here are all of this week's drawings as a series, to be enjoyed/repulsed by all at once... the way classy art was meant to be enjoyed/repulsed by.

Todd got hit in the head with a baseball bat when he was a child. That's why he was an ineffective communicator.
Nancy was also hit in the head with a baseball bat. That's why she married him.

Half man, half shark, Billy was very much dreading his first day of school... mostly because he wasn't wearing any pants.
J.C. Penny- why do you refuse to think of the (shark) children?

Uprooted trees, house roofs ripped from their foundations, dogs' hind legs/posterior ripped from their bodies...
That's what I was gonna call this drawing, but I decided the most summarizing title would, instead, be:
Reasons Not To Climb Trees During A Hurricane.
(clearly, I am very familiar with hurricanes)

Robert dropped out of high school to see the world (and according to his suitcase, Mars), but he was headed straight for Despair.... a town so aware of its ghastly existence that it has named itself said adjective (noun?), and litters its port of entry with clues as to what sort of dreadful fate one will incur in its midst.
Among these clues: bones (not just props), a chart detailing sinking profits, wrinkle cream, and a tv that only shows The View re-runs.
Oh, Robert... and to think, you had so much potential.
Note to town of Despair:
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