Here's an alien eating a paperclip- sweat relief after a long/boring day at the office? Or perhaps he was just curious in an alien sort of way; after all, there are no paperclips in Mars... not to the best my knowledge anyway, but I'm not too big on science, so I could be wrong. Also drew a picture of a man trapped in bottle that use to hold either poison, or REALLY strong liquor.

Here's the doodle of a clever little worm/snake who found his way into a tasty, and seemingly hollow, apple. Also, on the left margin, drew a sphere (NOT a circle... circles are flat... I drew something round). And of course, there is also a leaning, twisting pyramid of the future that's about to crush an unaware man of the future.
Builder's of the future take note: don't get too creative. Or we all die.

Lacking a bit of creativity on this particular day, it seems... Here's my name written over and over to eventually form a nice little line drawing.

In case you can't read the words, this little image is called: Fat Man Meets Cow.
The fat man is saying "Mmm... delicious," and the cow is thinking 'Help.' I probably should have tagged an exclamation point onto that 'Help.' I mean, I figure the cow would be desperately afraid, rather than moderately afraid, in this particular sort of situation. Or, maybe he thinks 'delicious' means 'I'm here to set you free.' Either way, I ask you to think of this little cry for help the next time you eat a steak.
1 comment:
what is "cud" ?
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